
Leadership in Crisis


When Leadership Values and  Skills have been lost and HOW TO RESTORE THEM NOW!

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There is no lack of things that we can learn from great leaders. All it takes is a quick look into some of our greatest leaders and learn about all their great world-transforming achievements.

How to make decisions that change the world? Great leaders have all sorts of traits and habits that you and anyone else who wants to be or become a leader, should consider adopting.

However, for those of us living in the real world, we have certainly come in contact with plenty of leaders who are failures and losers. Whether it was a teacher in our past, an old boss, or a charming politician who lied to us, most of us have all seen and dealt with horrible leaders.

It would be simple to just ignore these people and try to forget about them, but what if I told you that you could learn just as much from these “loser” leaders, as from the great ones?


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Leadership in Crisis